Exhausted (Daily Encouragement Series)

Brian Sullivan   -  

Life is exhausting. I am Not. 

As we continue further into life with the implications of the Coronavirus, “exhausted” was a good word to describe how I feel and what others describe when I ask how they are doing. Isn’t it ironic that even orders to “stay at home and do nothing” leave you feeling exhausted? When talking to friends and my voice is gone and I describe that I feel cloudy and I am saying “I don’t know why”, they remind me: Stress. Exhaustion. I had the privilege of sharing my mom’s impact on me becoming a follower of Christ and was dwelling on her life when I was growing up – single mom raising 4 teenagers, rare blood disease, scrapping by financially – EXHAUSTING. That’s why it makes so much sense the freedom, relief, assurance,  she experienced when she put her trust in Christ. That’s the call for all of us: life is exceedingly exhausting, but God is not. He is safe. He is for you. He gives life. He is working to heal you. He is for your good. Turn to Him. This reminder from TrueFace, written from the perspective of our heavenly Father, reminds us of this*:

Life is exhausting. I am not. 

Today I only want to remind you of this: Life is exceedingly exhausting, but I am not. Our relationship is not to be tough. Many will tell you it’s supposed to be. But it is not. In-laws can be tough. Childbirth is tough. Calculus is definitely tough. But I am not. I want to be your safest place. Life will try to convince you that I don’t care or that I am not strong enough. But never miss this: I am for you. Some of what you experience may make no sense for a while. In the meantime hold to this: no one is more for you than Me. I am not working against you or contending with you. I want to give you life. 

I know you are broken. With my entire being I am working to heal you. You will bear some pain and loss. This is the result of being alive in a fallen world. But I will turn it all into good. You have My word on it.*

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  – John 16:33



*From “Trust For Today: 365 Days of Encouragement” by TRUEFACE