Preparing for Sunday_9.5.21
Join us Sunday as we are invited to “Come and See” Jesus! Who He is, what he has accomplished, his promises — and why it all matters!
*We continue to monitor covid and it’s affects on our community. With that, we will continue to meet in person AND have our Sunday livestream. We will have mask available but do not require anyone to wear one. If you or anyone in your household has felt unwell or has a had a temperature of 100.4 or higher in the past 48 hours, please stay home and utilize our CrossPointe at Home livestream.
More importantly, if you or anyone you know have Covid and are experiencing sickness, we would love to come alongside you with a care package, support and prayer. Please email
Passage: John 15:1-17
In Person Service Information: Jupiter Christian School – Main Campus (700 S. Delaware, Jupiter FL)
Online Service Information:
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