Preparing for Sunday (6/30): Passage and Songs Passage: Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 Sidney Greidanus on Ecclesiastes 9:1-12: The goal, then, is, to urge the readers, in view of the certainty...
Preparing For Sunday (6/16): Passage and Songs We look forward to gathering together to kick off Father’s Day THIS SUNDAY. Below is a link to the passage we will learn from and the...
Opportunity Jesus: STORMS (Ch. 24) As we continue to work through the gospels via “Opportunity Jesus” to have a better understanding of who Jesus is and the...
Preparing for Sunday + Party (5/26) Excited to gather THIS Sunday (5/26) @ 10:30am – take a listen and read the passage below to prepare. We would also love to have you...
“ENOUGH” One of the (many) things that has been helpful to see in the book Ecclesiastes is the author continually “demolish” things we seek to...
Preparing for Sunday (5/19) – Passage & Songs Looking forward to gathering and preaching this important passage. Take a read and listen to the songs we will sing. Passage: Ecclesiastes...
God’s Beautiful Timing (from Philip Ryken) Some people resent God’s control over time and eternity; they would rather set their own agenda. But the Solomon (or writer) of...
Preparing for Sunday (5/5) – Passage & Songs Looking forward to gathering SUNDAY! Below are links to the passage (Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26) and songs we will sing – including a new one...
Opportunity Jesus: FAITH (Ch. 19) After a prolonged section of teaching, we see Jesus continue to teach and display what His Kingdom is about. We see a the common theme of...