Preparing for Sunday_10.24.21 Join us Sunday as we are invited to “Come and See” Jesus! Who He is, what He has accomplished, His promises — and why it all matters!...
Partnership (Membership) Class – SUNDAY (10/17) If you consider CrossPointe your church home or are exploring if it could be, we encourage you to join us THIS SUNDAY for our...
Dinner & Discussion + Student Community (10/3) We are excited to launch our monthly “Dinner & Discussion” and Student Community THIS SUNDAY (10/3). Both are great...
Preparing for Sunday_10.3.21 Join us THIS SUNDAY (10/3) as we look at what it looks like to LIVE GENEROUSLY! “As for the rich in the present again, charge them not to...
Preparing for Sunday_9.19.21 Join us THIS SUNDAY (9/19) as we look at how we can FIND FREEDOM! “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will...
Preparing For Sunday_9.12.21 Join us THIS SUNDAY (9/12) for our Fall Kick-Off Series and Lunch! Over the next 4 weeks we will do an overview of the book of 1 Peter...
Preparing for Sunday_9.5.21 Join us Sunday as we are invited to “Come and See” Jesus! Who He is, what he has accomplished, his promises — and why it...
Preparing for Sunday_8.29.21 We are looking forward to gathering together on Sunday! We will continue our journey through the gospel of John and Jesus call to...
Preparing for Sunday_8.8.21 Join us as we look at the account of Jesus washing the disciples feet in our series through the Gospel of John. This account again gives us...